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2tb SSd

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Price $USDDescription
HPE 1.92TB SAS 12Gb s Read Intensive SFF 2.5" Internal Solid State Drive (SSD)
PC Connection (NH) | | updated: 07-05-2016
OCZ Technology Z-Drive (SSD) 4500 3.2TB Internal Solid State Drive
pcRUSH (Online) | | updated: 24-01-2016
OCZ 3.2TB Z-Drive (SSD) 4500 Series PCIe Enterprise MLC Solid State Drive
PC Connection (NH) | | updated: 07-05-2016
Intel 3.2TB DC P3608 Series Solid State Drive (SSD)
PC Connection (NH) | | updated: 07-05-2016
B1200i iSCSI 12.6TB w SSD 12-bay SAN x6 2TB SAS x3 200GB SSD
PC Connection (NH) | | updated: 07-05-2016
HPE 3.2TB SAS 12Gb s Mixed Use-3 SFF 2.5" Smart Carrier Solid State Drive (SSD)
PC Connection (NH) | | updated: 07-05-2016
Lenovo LTS 3.2TB ioMemory SX350 Performance PCIe 2.0 Solid State Drive (SSD) by S...
PC Connection (NH) | | updated: 07-05-2016
HPE MSA 3.2TB SAS 12Gb s Mixed Use 2.5" Internal Solid State Drive (SSD)
PC Connection (NH) | | updated: 07-05-2016
HPE 2TB NVMe PCIe Write Intensive SFF 2.5-in SC2 SSD
PC Connection (NH) | | updated: 07-05-2016
IBM GSS 24-Slot JBT Enclosure w 22X1.2TB Hard Drive (SSD)s & 2X200GB Solid State ...
PC Connection (NH) | | updated: 07-05-2016
Nutanix NX-1320 6-core Xeon E5-2620v2, 200GB SSD, 2TB HDD cap
PC Connection (NH) | | updated: 07-05-2016
Nutanix NX-6250 4x intel 8-core Xeon E5-2670, 1.6TB SSD; 32TB HDD
PC Connection (NH) | | updated: 07-05-2016
Nutanix NX-3360 Storage w 2.4TB Solid State & 12TB Hard Drive (SSD) Capacity
PC Connection (NH) | | updated: 07-05-2016
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